
Supervising models

Supervisors in UTP


Dr. Ahmad Sobri bin Hashim

Dr. Ahmad Sobri bin Hashim

Human computer interaction, Software engineering, Information system, Data analytics
Dr. Suziah binti Sulaiman

Dr. Suziah binti Sulaiman

Multimodal Interactions, User Experience, Affective Design, Virtual Reality
Dr. Amjad Shamim

Dr. Amjad Shamim

Value Co-Creation, Brand Experience, Service Marketing, Business Statistics

Supervisors in TAR UC

Dr. Yeo Chu May

Dr. Yeo Chu May

Social & Emotional competences, Consumer Behavior
Dr. Chong Shyue Chuan

Dr. Chong Shyue Chuan

Primary survey
Marketing and consumer behavior
Tourism and BRI (Belt and Road Initiative)

Vietnamese Supervisors